Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Welcome, Whiskers Odette

Today we go to the animal shelter to pick up our new cat. We chose her on Saturday. I have made a little blankie out of the front of an old cotton sweater that is serged around the edge. I rolled a big paper bag into a basket shape to go in the carrier with the blankie. If she soils the carrier, a good basket won't be ruined.

We went to the animal shelter Saturday. Dave and I were pretty were pretty much in agreement without much discussion. Like minds, I guess.

So we went to the animal shelter today to look at grown up cats. I cried almost the whole time we were there.

We met three cats in the 'get acquainted room' and had a real hard time. Turns out we both felt the most connection with the cat that appeared to be least desirable. But, of course, neither wanted to stick the other with the poor cat. She had poop crusted into her fur and smelled awful.

A girl tuxedo cat. We decided our chances of getting one like Mary Shelley were as good as getting one like Ferm. Zero. She was very dirty with several large poops crusted to her tail and hind quarters. There were some scissor marks where poops had been cut off, and her abdominal hair was curly like it had been washed.

She slept/hunched in the tiny circular litter pan in her cage. When I told her she could have her own basket at our house, the cat care attendant got a clean litter pan for her cage and lined it with a little blankie. I guess they never thought of that.

We sat in the 'get acquainted room' and watched her for a while. She wouldn't approach us, but purred when we petted her, and allowed her stomach to be petted. She was very distressed by the dried poops stuck in her fur, but was unable to lick them out. She attempted to groom other parts, but was too distressed by the poops.

I think she will groom herself better when she is in a place where she feels safer.

So we filled out the paperwork for her.

They couldn't release her to us because they are in Alameda County and don't have access to home owner records here in Santa Clara County. We have to provide documentation that shows we own our home. People who don't own a home need a signature from the landlord or property manager showing that the pet is allowed.

We had to leave her there until today. They were closed Sunday and Monday. We will also find out when her spaying appointment is and we will have to take her back for that. There weren't any spaying slots available for the week. I felt very bad leaving her there.

Her name card said Whiskers, but she was a stray. I think they name all the strays for convenience or to increase desirability.

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