Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ominously Fall

I had such a fantastic drive yesterday with Nutmeg and Roger. The weather was so pleasant, even though it was ominously fall.

I have ordered a rubber bumper for the trailer and Dave has found a brake light that needs replacing. I think we can get a new one on ebay.
Then, new tires. Then, to Roger's to put Janow to the cart. Bing Bing Bing!

I have three things, one saddle pad and two primitive sweatshirts, that are so close to done that I can't stand it!!!!

I also have to work on the crane project. winter is coming too fast. can't batik in winter.
Did I put this picture of the crane project last time? I can't remember.
I am thinking of opening up the ETSY store again, but it can be such a time-suck! I don't know.

I have to get a couple thing on ebay today. Ew. Tedious task.

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