Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Here is the microwave picture, as promised. Dave wants credit for installing it. I want credit for living a week without a microwave and not complaining once.

I rode Janow yesterday and he was definitely improved. He felt like he was moving easier from the start, and it didn't feel like the right side of the saddle was higher. I gave him another shot of Adequan.

These bell boots were easier to reach so I put them on instead of the black ones. They were Frix's, so they are about 18 years old. EVERYBODY commented on them! Someone even called Janow "Pinky!"

I couldn't ride him on the small circle and compare times because the recent rain turned the back part into snot.

1 comment:

allhorsestuff said...

Glad you rode..and he was feeling better...those are rather PINK!