Friday, October 08, 2010

California Buckeye

This is my favorite tree.

It's the buckeye tree at Indian Hill.
I get to ride past it every day and see how it changes through the seasons. In the fall, it looks the strangest right after the leaves fall off, leaving only the buckeyes, which is any day now. The husk will peel off the buckeyes, then a big wind will come and blow off all the buckeyes.
The buckeyes are about the size of golf balls.

There are many buckeye trees up Mt Hmailton Road through Grant Ranch and on up the mountain. They are the first to trun in the fall, and the ones closest to the top of the mountain turn first. They are the first to leaf out in the spring too.


Jane said...

I love Buckeye trees too. I love their spikes of hyacinth like flowers in the spring, and how wild and other worldly they look in the fall. I'm with you, love 'em!

d. moll, said...

I grew up worshipping Buckeyes, they were my mother's favorite trees. I had her cremated with with a buckeye burl.....