I can't get picture upload to work...Again! Also, this link to Deb's blog has been giving mt trouble.
I've been tagged by Deb of
This means two things. One, Two.
One, I have to share 7 things about myself. That's hard.
Two, I have to tag 7 people I know that have blogs. That's harder. It's a onus I wouldn't pin on anyone unless I knew they wanted to be tagged. I will tag only the people who contact me and asked to be tagged.
Here are my things:
1. I am afraid of the mail.
2. I still listen to The Monkees.
3. I save the pennies I receive as change, but not any others, until I have 100, then I buy a scone. I eat fewer scones that way.
4. I keep a new pair of underwear still in the plastic packaging, in the bottom of my sock drawer. I wear them when I am in a very sad mood, because new underwear is cheerful.
5. I have a three month supply of toilet paper for three people(Charmin Mega Rolls)hidden behind a secret panel in my house.
6. I like Brussels sprouts.
7. I like to read in bed with a flashlight.
Those are my seven things. Those seven things are mine. My things are those seven that you see.
I have been working on a new Vintage Sweatshirt design. It's a bird one. This is the first sweatshirt I have hand-dyed first. I think it's coming out well. I am excited about it at this stage anyway!
I have added pictures of the t-shirts I painted with Procion fiber reactive dye and they are for sale. I also made a little Minky backed scrap quilt and put it there too. If you have ever felt Minky chenille, you know how soft it is. Not the knock-off Minky that you can get at the popular chain store for about the same retail price, but the real thing. Click on the sign to go to my web site. Keep in mind, as a quilter and textile artist, I had to program the web site the hard way, character by character, no WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver. I think it can be compared to hand quilting, which I
won't do!

Remember, it you want to get tagged, let me know!
Little C