I got "Key Search" done just in time, stitching the sleeve down at about 6:30am. Then I put the paper label for the quilt show on it. Those labels come one to a page, with a reciept for the quilt that is signed by the quilt show official who takes your quilt. I had misplaced the receipt for "June Four Patch," but I figured I could Xerox a new one, if I could find a blank one to copy. It's one of those little things that you count on being easy to resolve at the crucial time.
So on I went, to sew the label onto "Sue Crack's Up." I thought I had done it already, but there was the label, filled out and ready to sew on. But....There WAS a label on "Sue," it was the "Coniferous Child" Label. So I took it off and sewed the "Sue" label on "Sue." Then I took the "Coniferous" label to sew onto the "Coniferous" quilt.......That's tight, you guessed. There it was, the RECEIPT for "June Four Patch" sewn on in place of the "June" label. I got it all straightened out, but I think I had to remove and re-apply nearly every label.
The turn-in location for south Fremont was Sisters 'n' Stiches quilt shop, which I had looked for twice but never found. It's a new shop. I didn't have a lot of faith. It is in a sort-of-rebuilt werehouse. I found it this time. It is very small, packed with fabric. A very sood selection of the lighter values, which the much closer Fabrics 'n' Fun is lacking. So, of course, I bought fabric. But I only bought for the Charm Square Exchange whcich was comming up and I ended up playing hooky on it anyway.
Now I have a lot of work to do getting ready for the Country Store at the quilt show. I Downlaoded The Gimp Photo Editor Freeware and got a new printer and some photo quality blank greeting cards with envelopes. Now I have to learn that.
Yeaterday, there was sun, so I went to Concord to get hay for Noble Steed. An hour away, remember? And can't go in the rain becuase the hay will get wet and then mold. Well.......They had chicks there, cheeping and scratching under the heat lamps, so I got two pullets. and some starter scratch, and a water reservoir. Not to mention three kinds of horse wormer and another box of Rounders Horse Treats. And a few cans of cat food that Mr.Picky Eater has never seen and so has never rejected.
I am hoping that my 9 year old son's friend calls today. He has had the whole week off school but has not been able to get together with any of his friends. Many of them go to different schools that do not get his week off for Spring Break, they got last week. People are really bad about getting back to kids or making commitments and following through. Grown ups seem to have no problem standing up little kids. Of course, that teaches their own kids a great lesson too. A promise is only good until something better comes along. Grrr.